“My website is not meant to be a colorful sequence of photos… On one hand we have a selected number of images related to the blog posts, on the other hand the complete archive of all the pictures I’ve taken since 1994.”

The blog project began in 2016. It is an intertwining of serious and formal texts taken from catalogues and magazines, informal posts with backstage chronicles and casual conversations, winter periods in which we reflect on the past and the future, busy summer times with new productions and commissions.

The Archive project intends to collect all my pictures of the last 28 years. We are talking about EVERY picture I’ve taken, something that no photographer has the courage to do… Of course this will be a work in progress, since we have almost 5000 images and many of them are not edited. So, at first it won’t be complete, but the idea is to get (as soon as possible) to the total archive of my work.

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