A conversation with photographer Massimo Vitali, known for his large photos of people at the seaside. Photographer of everyday lives, Vitali captures the multiple stories that intertwine among the crowds ...
Here is last Tuesday’s conversation with Matteo Balduzzi – curator of MUFOCO. The talk was held at the Mazzoleni Gallery in Turin and was part of ‘Waiting for The Phair’: ...
The all-human night landscape that triggered Vitali's curiosity back in the 90s is suddenly deprived of its function in Lorenzo Leone’s photographs of empty discos taken during the 2021 lockdown. ...
We met the photographer best known for his large-scale pictures of ordinary people at the beach. He explained to us his art, and how it all started with a picture ...
Some photographers purposely go to find moments of drama to talk about something. I’ve been there, it is not that I haven’t seen certain realities, but in all this, I ...
Wrap-up of my solo show Pienovuoto, which was on view at Forte Belvedere through the whole summer. The pictures on display ranged from my earliest works of the 90s to ...
Giovanni e Agnese dell'Associazione d'IDee di Bologna mi hanno intervistato martedì 13 aprile ed è stato davvero un bell'incontro... Only for Italian speakers, sorry. ...
Hi! I'm Irene, the blog editor. After more than 225 posts on this blog, I decided to ask the studio about Massimo's work. Yes, only now. Now it's my turn. ...
I am not interested in architecture as an object, rather in how architecture relates to space, how it is lived, how it relates to people, the traces of objects on ...